Month: February 2021

NPS Scotland welcome you to join our Breed Discussion Series

NPS Scotland are delighted to announce a series of Native Pony Discussion Evenings starting on Tuesday 23rd February with the Highland Ponies.
PLEASE NOTE: That evening discussion is now full – Please view the schedule for more upcoming events.

The evenings will start at 7.30pm running for approx. a half hour covering the breed type, characteristics, conformation, and show production with a question-and-answer time at the end.

We are delighted to have some of the best judges, breeders, and producers in the country to share their knowledge at these evenings which start with:

These evenings are open to everyone, and we would encourage members, competitors and all potential and current Young Judges to attend. 

Everyone interested should email to express interest.  They will be emailed a copy of the breed characteristics to print off and look over along with the zoom login details.

Look forward to hearing from you, and hopefully seeing you at the event.

Please click here for downloadable content:

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